Truth is like water

After being hit by two major hurricane's here in West-Central Florida within two weeks and seeing the devastation first hand in my immediate area I had a revelation: Water is like truth in many ways: It can't be controlled, bargained with, intimidated or easily hidden and, when it asserts itself, it most definitely cannot be stopped. Water, like truth, makes itself impossible to ignore and once it reveals itself, nothing is ever the same again. This thought occurred to me as I see a literal flood of truth bombs headed our way which will be unexpected for anyone who gets their news and information from television but should not surprising to readers of this humble blog post.

The coming revelations about how much gaslighting and lies have been told to cover up actual economic data are like an ocean of truth and our legacy media looks like the "Little Dutch Boy" running out of fingers to plug the gaping holes in every official narrative they spin about inflation, jobs and GDP. Every "print" is manipulated and spun to suit the moment only to be "corrected" (downward) after a short time. In these posts I try to offer alternative, accurate accounts of what's actually happening from vetted, non-mainstream sources who have proven to be FAR more reliable.

The truth will assert itself eventually; it will shock many folks like the ones who suddenly found themselves standing in their kitchens with 3 feet of water.

For example, do you as a business owner believe the official rate of inflation claim of 3%? Would you believe 16%??

"The CPI chart on the home page reflects our estimate of inflation for today as if it were calculated the same way it was in 1990. In general terms, methodological shifts in government reporting have depressed reported inflation, moving the concept of the CPI away from being a measure of the cost of living needed to maintain a constant standard of living."

So, you see they simply change the methodology used to calculate the number in order to goal-seek the result they want. Kind of like "the science" does all the time.

The ruling establishment is loosing the ability to "fool all the people all the time" as it desperately fills sand-bags to hold back the truth-flood waters from inundating them. Last week, we saw two card-carrying establishment stars lamenting that they "cannot govern properly" (John Kerry) and will "lose total control" (HRC) of the narrative due to the First Amendment. That's right, now it's our fault for being able to share information without restrictions that they are losing control and cannot "govern".

There is no such thing as "misinformation" or "disinformation". Those are fancy words that mean nothing, there are only lies, damn lies and of course statistics! The fact remains that no matter how much the official numbers ,um...lie, the effects are impossible to ignore. At this moment our largest expenditure as a nation is interest on our massive debt: Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that someone with a money-printer could possible be this much in debt?, Anyway, I digress.

"Interest on the federal debt exceeded $1 trillion for the first time this year and is shooting higher."

Small business owners aren't feeling the "Joy" either:

Photo by Simon on October 08, 2024. May be an image of text that says 'NFIB Small Business Uncertainty Index 103.0 100 90 80 70 60 1980- 1980-1989 989 1990-1999 1999 SBOIUNCR (NFIB Small Business 50 Index) 2000-2009 2009 Monthly 01JAN1970- 40 2010-2019 Copyrighte 2024 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 2020-2029 08:59:4'.
Where is the love?

Small business owners are feeling more uncertain than ever,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Uncertainty makes owners hesitant to invest in capital spending and inventory, especially as inflation and financing costs continue to put pressure on their bottom lines. Although some hope lies ahead in the holiday sales season, many Main Street owners are left questioning whether future business conditions will improve.”

The uncertainty business owners are feeling is completely justified and reasonable considering how much pressure they already feel from price increases, supply disruptions, staffing problems and, oh yea, an election that could change the scenery quite dramatically indeed. I have already heard some ideas about how the current Democratic candidate would handle the inflation issue: Price controls and making sure billionaires pay their "fair share". Those ideas have been used in the past and have been thoroughly discredited simply because they just don't work. Governments that tax Billionaires too much lose them to other jurisdictions along with their tax base and price controls are, well, just stupid. Just ask our friend Milton:

Thanks a lot Milton!

I honestly hope that the "truth flood" comes sooner than later so that enough people can prepare themselves. Right before the storms hit us down here, many folks were boarding up and evacuating to higher ground. Many folks decided to ride the storm out; some made it, others did not. Being prepared right now for an economic hurricane is advised. You won't get the breathless, TV fear-mongering with announcers breaking down in tears for maximum effect that accompanied the approach of Hurricane Milton. On the contrary, the sources tasked with informing the public of incoming economic danger will go out of their way to hide the facts, blatantly lie about what is actually happening and then viciously gaslight us afterwards. I'm actually optimistic that the truth about the American economy is finally asserting itself having  been hidden and manipulated for so long that, like an ocean, it will overwhelm the lies and deceit that the wizards of spin have spun on us.

We are all "Toto" now

Right now, commercial lending is operating normally without any major disruptions. SBA is funding commercial term loans with monthly payments and 10-year terms for qualified companies whose ownership has robust credit (650+ fico scores are required for all owners above 20%).

For owners who already have an MCA balance, SBA is funding unsecured term loans in 2-3 weeks. It is a great way to refinance high cost capital with lower cost money.

At the end of the day we all have to do business as best we can under the conditions we actually face, not necessarily the ones we desire. Truth is important because those who stay informed best will have the greatest chances of survival. Right now, survival is the goal.

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